Attend the Lecture Only for 8 Weeks, a Corgi is So Proud to Follow Graduation - Animal Shine

Animal Shine

Save the Animals


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Attend the Lecture Only for 8 Weeks, a Corgi is So Proud to Follow Graduation

How long does it take to graduate from college? For a Corgi Dog it's just 8 weeks. 

Do not think he lectured on campus carelessly, the corgi named Pavlov this graduation at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus. He became the only funniest and cute alumni on campus. Even Pavlov is very proud of wearing a graduation hat, like the other graduates.

The story of Pavlov who finally succeeded in graduation, actually originated from the owner, Anthony Osuna and Elayne Tram Nguyen who enrolled at UCLA. While working on short assignments at the end of college, Anthony and Elayne decided to take Pavlov to campus. It turned out that from the first day on campus, Pavlov was very excited and excited. He was also so friendly to the other students he met, as if Pavlov had been a student there for years. In fact it looks like Pavlov is busy doing college assignments, because he's rambling around tirelessly.

In his instagram account, Pavlov displayed documentation as long as he was on campus until "graduated". Well the question of graduation is actually not Pavlov graduated, but Anthony and Elayne. They decided to take Pavlov on the graduation ceremony, and give him a graduation hat to Pavlov that made the year-old corgie dog feel great pride. He enjoys shooting sessions at the event with his pride cap.

Pavlov own name given to both owners is not without reason. They are graduates of the faculty of psychology, and Ivan Pavlov is a prominent physiologist and doctor from Russia. So they gave the name to his beloved corgi dog who is now also very famous since "graduation". Congratulations yes Pavlov! Woof! Woof!

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