Does Your Cats Meowing Nonstop ? Here's 7 Reasons Why - Animal Shine

Animal Shine

Save the Animals


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Does Your Cats Meowing Nonstop ? Here's 7 Reasons Why

Animal ShineCat meowing is a normal behavior, but can turn into a problem, and may also be a signal that your cat is scared or ill. If your cat suddenly starts meowing nonstop, you should find the cause of this behavior.

So, why do cats meow? Here are some reasons for that constant cat meowing:

1. Your cat is meowing because she’s in heat.

Of course, this is only true if your cat is not spayed. But if your five- or six-month-old unspayed cat suddenly starts meowing and carrying on, she may be seeking a mate. Cries of a cat in a heat are eerily loud and almost sound as if the cat is in pain, and they’re usually accompanied by super-affectionate behavior and an odd, sway-backed position when you pet near the rump.

2. Signal of hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidsmus is a health disorder of the thyroid gland (located on the neck) causing excessive production of the thyroid hormone. This hormone has the main function of helping the metabolism of food, so that excessive production will cause excessive metabolism as a result the cat will continue to feel hungry.

Although the cat is hungry but there is weight loss accompanied by continuous meowing. When encountering a cat with symptoms like this, immediately take it to the nearest veterinarian for further examination.

3. Lost sight or hearing.

If there is an old cat who cries like a child loses when the light is turned off, it may indeed be true to lose. Blind or deaf cats will find it difficult to find their way inside the house and can not even hear the owner's voice.

4. Senile cats meow a lot.

Yes, cats can become senile. This condition, known as feline cognitive dysfunction or cat dementia, can cause a number of problems that will leave your cat feeling scared and disoriented. Her response will be to wail and yowl. A cat with cognitive dysfunction may also become more irritable, sleep more or have altered sleep cycles, lose coordination, and even on occasion become incontinent.

5. Cat meowing might be a sign of feline hyperesthesia syndrome.

Feline Hyperesthesia Sydrome cat eyes or symptoms where cats become overly sensitive may suddenly look wild and crazy like they are experiencing hallucinations. Cats will shout and roar loudly, feelings (mood) change fox. The skin becomes wrinkled and air movement will make him feel sick. Cats will lick their lilacs excessively and sometimes cause the fur to fall out.

6. Feeling in pain.

Cats often hide the pain, but if the cat is really experiencing extreme pain then he will scream and roar.

7. Feeling lonely or bored.

A single cat who feels close to the person - who cares for her, can feel lonely when left or even when left to sleep. She will meow to the point of being noticed or until she is exhausted.

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