10 Interesting Fact About Cats. You Must Know - Animal Shine

Animal Shine

Save the Animals


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

10 Interesting Fact About Cats. You Must Know

Your cats is more complex than you imagined. Here are 10 things you probably didn't know about your cats.

Animal Shine -  In fact, cats is one of the most popular pets of the world.  Cats are incredible animals, and unique in so many ways, from the shape of their eyes, to their specialized taste buds, to the long-debated reasons that they purr.  It will takes interaction for us to understand them. They’re such amazing creatures and companions, here are 10 things that you might not know about cats. Chek it out !

1. Cats who lives in the house has a strong attachment with owner.

 2. A cat has 230 bones in its body, compared to a human who has 206 bones.

3. Cats heard is sharper than humans. Cats are able to hear up to 65 khz, while humans only up to 20 Khz.

4.  Cats don't only purr when they are happy.

5.Cats does not need to blink to wet his orb.

6. Cats spend 30% of their life time for grooming. So if she is 10 years old, she has spent 3 years cleaning herself. So no wonder the cat is a clean animal. They often take care of themselves by licking their hair.

7. Cats respond more to a woman's call than men. Allegedly because the voice of women tends to be higher than the male voice.

8. Not all cats love catnip. a cat’s reaction to the herb is determined by its genetics: Between 20 percent and 30 percent of cats are immune to its effects. Also, catnip has no effect on cats younger than 6 months old, so there goes our plan to host a Kitten Rave this weekend.

9. Cats are better hunters than dogs.

10. Cat's behavior is strongly influenced by the environment, according to experts. Cats that are too spoiled by their owners sometimes like to act too squirt. Cat who act weird is also shown by the cat who is less social.

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