Who's The Boss, Dog or owner ? - Animal Shine

Animal Shine

Save the Animals


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Who's The Boss, Dog or owner ?

Animalshine - For the layman would think that the owner is the boss for the dog, because the dog is a pet. But for dog owners, they unknowingly make dogs as bosses. Though it should be a layman's assumption that tuh correct, because the dog does need a leader. But what power, often the owner fails to be the leader for their cute four-footed boy. The failure is characterized by the following

#1. Dogs acquire homes.

Probably initially prohibited, but because dogs often broke in the end they were allowed to climb onto the couch, sit in chairs, into the kitchen, play with items that were not toys, etc. Even if it allows dogs to do these things, they can only do if allowed. Not on their own will.

#2. Failed to manage time.

Maintaining a dog is equivalent to training the owner's discipline over time. But often the owner is relentless to sacrifice time. As the dog prefers, while the meal itself is not regular. Play with dogs longer because they do not want to stop playing, just sleeping after the dogs fell asleep, etc. So that the resulting personal time becomes disheveled, or even yourself and the dog is not neglected.

#3. Your attitude softened with doggy.

Dog eyes are believed to hypnotize a person to follow his will. That's what makes the owner finally not assertive in behaving. Dogs can harass him anytime, for example when working dogs ask dipangku, ask for play, food, etc .. All dog wishes are granted in an undue portion

#4. Failed to manage finances.

Maintaining a dog does need financial responsibility, but meeting its needs beyond the limits of ability is tantamount to burdening itself. It does not have to wait for the financial ability to keep the dog, but good financial management will make the dog and the owner equally prosperous.

#5.Loss of social life.

Dogs are social animals, but unfortunately the owners actually lose social values. Like rarely get together with friends, rarely neighbors, or engage in activities outside the home due to dog whining does not want to be left behind. Though the dog is also an independent animal you know, should not always be accompanied. Eliminate the thought that dogs will be lonely or sad to train their independence attitude, so that dogs no longer fuss when left.

#6. Excessive attitude.

Quibble for the happiness of dogs, the owner makes a party for him, smothering lots of gifts, giving lots of toys, clothing, accessories, and others. Though the dog does not understand all these attitudes. Dogs are simple animals, wooden sticks can be a fun toy for them. Dogs never want to be king, but owners who accidentally "knocked" them.

#7. Minimal topics.

In addition to acquiring homes, the dogs unconsciously also "acquire" the lives of their owners. Both thoughts and feelings. As a result the world becomes narrow, dominated only by pet dog topics. Photographs on the phone, uploads on social media, chat with friends, stuff motifs owned, keyword section on the internet, just all refer to one topic, the dog. Others, just a distraction. The owner failed to get the balance of life.

#8. Unsettled while away.

It is as natural to have a dog's concern when they are away from them. But it is not. If all the needs of the dog are sufficient and the dog is well trained, then there is no need to worry that they will bark excessively to disturb the neighbors, will not damage the goods, not fighting, not doing worrisome acts and other destructive acts. Dogs are very trustworthy, if owners as leaders are able to instill a good understanding of them. So the heart remains calm, though not being together.

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