How to Give Love Flicker to Cats - Animal Shine

Animal Shine

Save the Animals


Friday, December 29, 2017

How to Give Love Flicker to Cats

A cat expert, Franny Syufy, on her facebook page found many questions about kissing a cat as an expression "I love you". Some people do it and the cat also rewards it, but most people fail. The cat did not care at all.

Two things are emphasized by Franny, the cat categorized as a creature that is easily changed mood. Sometimes the cat willingly kissed but 5 minutes later, he changed. In the morning cat usually wants to be pampered, often do not refuse to be kissed. But at night they tend to be fussy because it's time to ask attention, while the afternoon time to play.

The second thing, the owner should learn to convey a sense of love by using the language of the cat. Can use the way taught by expert cat behavior Jackson Galaxy. Namely make eye contact with the cat and close your eyes slowly, then open again. The movement when spoken is
- when closing the eyes slowly means "I"
- when the eye position is closing means "Love"
- and when the eyes open again is "You"

Cats usually reply to the wink by doing the same thing.

watch the video for more details

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